The One Thing That Drives Your Business Forward
Every minute you spend in your business must be an investment. How many times have you been super-busy, but at the end of the day you’re wondering what you have done with your time; what you really achieved that day? That means your time was not an investment. And...
What Does Success Look Like for You?
‘Success’ is such a fuzzy word. Does it mean buckets full of money, fancy titles, public recognition? For most people, their definition of success is quite different. When it comes to business, we’ve found that for most people, the typical “growing your...
Provisional Tax 101
Imagine making loads of money during the year, but you never thought about keeping something aside for the tax man. Imagine the surprise you’d get at the end of the year when you get a huge bill from IRD. That’s why provisional tax was implemented. To avoid nasty...
How to Stay on Top Of Your Business Finances
Finances aren’t sexy. But ignoring that part of your business can have a detrimental impact on your business. Does this sound familiar? “If I work hard, my finances will sort itself out.” “I’m too busy to worry about the numbers now.” “I don’t understand accounting;...
Is It Time to Pivot Your Business?
The pandemic made it difficult, or even impossible, to deliver on your promise to your customer. Whether your promise is quality, consistency, the type of service or product you deliver, or how you deliver it, chances are you were forced to break your promise. And...
Why You Should Hit the Reset Button on Your Business
The country is slowly starting to wake up from the slumber it has been in for the last two months. Every day, a few more shops and businesses are opening their doors again. And although we still need to keep our distance and use hand sanitizer a gazillion times a day...
Relaxation of Insolvency Provisions in the Companies Act
According to the Companies Act, directors can be held liable personally should they trade or take on debt if there’s a significant risk that they won’t be able to repay their debts when they become due. The uncertainty the Covid-19 pandemic brought has many...
Boost Your Cash Flow During the COVID-19 Pandemic
The one thing most small and medium-sized businesses struggle with right now is cash flow. Many businesses have little or no income during Alert Levels 4 and 3, but your expenses didn’t go away, right? Here are some of the measures introduced recently that could give...
Tax Payments: Separating the Myths from the Facts
As with everything relating to COVID-19, there is a whole lot of information circulating about tax payments that sounds too good to be true. And some are. We want to clear up a few of the common misinterpretations about the recent tax reliefs announced and make sure...
5 Mistakes That Will Cause Your Business to Die a Slow (Or Quick) Death
If you’re feeling like a rabbit caught in the headlights, you’re not alone. We’re on the phone every day with clients who are concerned about the future of their businesses. But, there’s hope. Many successful companies were started during or just before a recession or...